
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends! 

I wanted to hop on here and tell you all a story about the sweetest most joy-filled woman we met while doing community outreach yesterday. Her name was Momza Precious and she welcomed me and my team right into her little home bringing out chairs making sure that we all had a place to sit down.

We shared where we’re from and explained how we were here in South Africa to share the Love of God and to learn more from the people in the communities. She told us how she ended up in the squatter camp after her grandmother died, How as a young Mom struggling to provide for her children she had to fully rely on God to feed them as she had no full time job and no income.

She had tears in her eyes as she shared how hard it was to live from day to day searching for any job to help provide food for her family, and how even then it was the Lord who was her greatest Hope and comfort. 

Her story was a true example of what it means to be faithful with the little. Even when she had nothing she would go out searching for anything she could sell or any errand she could run to make a little money. Her story was so encouraging to us because every day as we walk around these poverty stricken communities we meet young women who are stuck in the exact situation Momza had been, with no job and no way of providing. There seems to be such a spirit of oppression in situations like these that keep them trapped in the cycle of poverty and hopelessness, and it always breaks my heart to see it. I asked Momza if there was one piece of advice she could share with those in similar situations what would it be? 

The advice she gave was simple; tell them that the sun comes up  and the sun goes down and your still sitting there. Tell them that God won’t move until you do. You need to trust that He’s providing for you, but also you need to act on that trust. Keep seeking even when it seems hopeless, keep taking the little you have and looking for ways to multiply it. 

 This advice challenged me. How can I practice this in my own life. How many times do we sit there waiting for the Lord to provide for us without actively seeking ways in which He’s moving on our behalf. 

How many times do we pray that He would   direct us, without taking the time to listen to His guidance. How many times have we prayed that we could be His hands and feet and then ignored the broken people He placed in our everyday lives?

You see the sun comes up and the sun goes down but unless we make the decision to be faithful in the little everyday moments we will continue to live a life of complacency. 

So may we like Momza, choose in every situation to take what little we already have and give it to God, trusting that He will provide our every need. 


 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.Come and share your master’s happiness!’ -Matthew 25:23


Momza and our outreach team^


May God bless y’all and thanks for reading ,

6 responses to “Faithful in the Little”

  1. Well written Anna. An encouraging message for sure. This reminds me again to be grateful for all the rich blessings we have and to make the most out of what we have and never take anything for granted. God bless you. I’m proud of you cuz.

  2. I read this again. It is so thought provoking! Thank you for sharing and allowing God to use you in such beautiful ways. Ly and always cheering you on >3

  3. You summed up nicely, I need to have more faith in my life, I’m working on it. But Anna i have to say you have a lot of faith at your age, which is good, keep doing the good work, I can’t wait to see what you do next!! Love and Faith, Melanie