
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey guys so I decided to hop on here and share a little bit about myself…if you already know me thank you for taking the time to read this! my friends and my family’s support is the biggest blessing in my life I seriously don’t know where I’d be without you guys .. If you just happened on this page, Welcome I hope you are inspired and that you will tag along on this journey with me I’m hoping to be pretty active on this Blog as I’ve a feeling Gods gonna be teaching me some incredible things and would love to share it with you!And also hoping that in return you’ll keep me in your prayers as I prepare to go on this journey with Him…

  Here’s a few of the basic  facts about me to give you a glimpse of who I am.


  1. I have always had a desire to do mission work
  2. I was born and raised in a small Amish community in Pennsylvania and have the most wonderful family 
  3. I love any new experiences or adventures of any kind 
  4. Coffee is definitely a necessity for me  
  5. I love nature and exploring 
  6. If I’m being quiet I’m probably reading, otherwise I’m usually talking nonstop or asking annoying questions;)
  7. Traveling is kind of like therapy for me 
  8. I love group discussions especially late nights around campfires 
  9. I’m always listening to music  
  10. And time spent with Jesus is the most important thing in the world to me 


So that about sums it up I’m hoping to post again soon a little more about my upcoming trip to Africa and the things Gods been teaching me this past month as I began fundraising and continuously seeking his will for my life.. 

I’m so excited for this next season and so thankful this opportunity has been placed in my life! our Father is so incredibly good and I pray you would experience His peace today… 


May God bless, 

Anna Smucker 

One response to “About Me”

  1. It was a blessing to work with you in South Africa, may the lord keep on blessing you